This web app separates instruments from a YouTube song and places them around a room to provide an immersive experience for users in a desktop / mobile browser or with VR headsets. The original version was created by Song Exploder and Google Creative Lab.

You can select a song previously converted by other users.
====== OR ======
Paste a Youtube URL to be converted (we'll email you when done)
Youtube URL:
Back to menu

Click in the button below to play the song.

Adapted by Carlos Toxtli
Headphones Recommended


What devices are supported?
Desktop browsers: It has been only tested on Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Other browsers should work.
Mobile browsers: It has been only tested in iPhone on Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Some Android devices are not compatible so we ask developers to contribute to the project to fix the compatibility in your device. If you are experiencing issues with your mobile phone please send us an email to [email protected] mentioning your phone model.
VR Headsets: It has been tested on Oculus Quest, but other mobile based and standalone platform should work.

How do I exit the song interface on VR devices?
Every VR device has an exit button in their controls (in Oculus Quest is the left hand menu button).

How do I enable or disable instruments on each device/interface?
In Desktop Browser Mode, you only need to click each sphere. On Mobile Browser Mode, you have to double-tap on each instrument. On Mobile VR Mode, you need to point the headset at the center of the sphere and click on it. On VR devices, you can use the controls to target each instrument. Not all platforms have been tested, so there may be some devices that do not support this feature.

What should I do if I did not get the transformed URL via email?
After some hours try searching the song in the main screen listing, if it is not listed try sending us an email with your YouTube URL to [email protected].

How can I contribute to the project or give feedback?
You can contribute via the GitHub project. You can send feedback via this email: [email protected].


What if you could step inside a song? This is a simple experiment that explores that idea. See and hear the individual layers of music all around you to get a closer look at how music is made.

It's built with WebVR and spatial audio. Thanks to Song Exploder and Google Creative Lab and especially to the contributors ( @hapticdata , @tambien, @ryburke, and @alexanderchen ) for open-sourcing their code we could adapt it to allow you to explore your own music in VR. Learn more on the original GitHub project and the YouTube edition code. And check out more WebVR Experiments here. Please send us any feedback to [email protected].


This web app was developed by using AFrame, Tone.js, and Three.js among other open-source libraries. The backend automation was possible thanks to free platforms and libraries such as Spleeter, Google Colaboratory, Google Apps Script, Google Drive, DriveToWeb, Freenom CloudFare, Docker, Selenium, Heroku, Ngrok, among many others that are behind the magic. Some students with limited resources (like me) hesitate to develop complex platforms for the cost of maintaining them, but thanks to these technologies we can offer services like this for free. In the future, I would like to host the platform in a dedicated infrastructure that can convert and reproduce a song immediately and without worrying about free quotas, so I am open to donations to make this happen.


My name is Carlos Toxtli. I am an enthusiastic person who loves great challenges, since my childhood I dreamed of having a 3D audio studio with sounds coming from everywhere and bouncing around in a room. When I started working, I installed a home theater sound system in my car and composed music for 5.1 channels (6 speakers) to play surround music there, then I composed for 7.1 channels (8 speakers) and then for 28.4 channels (32 speakers). Currently, spatial audio allows us to have the same 3D experience as normal headphones, so I decided to give everyone the opportunity to experience that immersive experience from any device. I've also developed other AI music technologies like Hum2Song that turns a hum into a song. I want to meet more like-minded people with whom we can create some crazy projects (I'm currently working on the sequel to this project with sounds that dynamically move around the environment). As a Ph.D. Candidate about to graduate I am available to be hired (this is my CV), so I would love to participate in any AI project where I can give some value. I dedicate this work to my loved family as a continuous source of inspiration and support.

Oops. Sorry for the tech trouble. Try Chrome Browser instead.